Team Up

Team Up! is an innovative teaching and learning app that began as a tool for synchronous online group work to enable groups of students to work on problem sets remotely in real time. The tool originated with the work of Melody Neumann, Associate Professor, Teaching Stream in the Department of Cell & Systems Biology, at the University of Toronto. Melody was initially awarded an Instructional Technology Innovation Fund (ITIF) grant to create the tool. More recently, she together with colleagues Michelle French and Franco Taverna were awarded a Learning and Education Advancement Fund (LEAF) grant where Melody was able to “scale up” the tool so it could be used in large courses. Over the last several years, Team Up! has been used by thousands of students each year and has received praise from instructors who use it to facilitate effective and efficient group work. It has been tested and used by faculty in fully online, hybrid, and high enrolment face-to-face courses.

Team Up! is attractive to students and instructors because it:

  • promotes active learning, group work, and peer teaching
  • provides immediate feedback (and part-marks for partial understanding)
  • may be used in any discipline
  • is available through Quercus and records marks directly into grades
  • provides instructors with real-time class analytics
  • is secure (hosted at UofT)
  • is free

Three Speech Bubbles

The app was the winner of the IMS Global 3rd Annual Connected Learning Innovation App Challenge and was recently awarded second place in the 5th European e-Learning Excellence Awards at the 18th European Conference on e-Learning.

Read more about Team Up! and Melody Neumann’s pioneering work with the app on our UofT news site.

If you would like to know more you can contact Melody Neumann