eCampus Ontario 2016-18 Call for Proposals

The University of Toronto internal deadline for Expressions of Interest is August 5, 2016. Please email a short description of your project idea (maximum 250 words) to Vice Provost Innovations in Undergraduate Education  at with copy to

Proposal consultation and development support is available. If you are interested in pursuing this funding, please contact Laurie Harrison, Director of Online Learning Strategies at or 416-978-1703. As this is the fourth round of provincial funding in this domain, we have a well-developed, strategic approach to provision of institutional supports and processes for course and curriculum design in place which have proved successfully in past years.

eCampus Ontario Information on Categories for 2016-2018:

Open Content Initiative: Under this project area, institutions can submit project proposals to fund the creation of high-quality digital course content that can be freely reused, revised, adapted, remixed, redistributed, and retained by institutions to support online and technology-enabled teaching and learning. Applicants can propose to develop a complete set of course modules or an etextbook. eCampusOntario is also funding projects which propose to adopt or adapt existing open content for the creation of a fully online course. The Open Content Initiative is the first step towards eCampusOntario’s vision for high quality, free and accessible digital course content to support an excellent online student learning experience. Funded Open Content projects are intended to incent uptake of these resources across the province, encourage buy-in from faculty members across Ontario institutions, and support the early adopters at a grass-roots level. Click here for Open Content Call

Online Course Development: The Online Course Development project will fund the development of a small number of individual courses that offer flexible delivery options for students. Successful proposals will focus on curricular bottleneck courses with high repeat rates and low retention. By providing high impact, high demand courses in an online format, students can experience greater flexibility and prevent delays in completing their program of study. Click here for Course Development Call

New Program Development: eCampusOntario is also providing targeting funding to facilitate growth in innovative online programs in Ontario. It is the goal of the New Program project to encourage new packaging or delivery options for credentials and to support the development of new collaborative and interdisciplinary online programs that address areas of current and future labour market demand. Click here for New Program Call

Full proposals are due Sept. 30. Notably, the deadline for completion of projects has been extended to March 2018 for this round. As in past years, the initiatives that duplicate the work of previous projects will not be funded (See list of courses and modules funded in previous years).

eCampus Ontario will be posting and updating an FAQ document which will be updated every Friday.