Category Archives: Online Learning
eLearning Strategies and Resources at UofT
This Spring Laurie Harrison delivered an InnovatingEdu Seminar to over 45 Faculty and Staff at the University of Toronto and affiliated hospitals. If you are interested in learning about new online tools and technology to improve your teaching, take a … Continue reading
Newly Funded Initiatives
eCampus Ontario News! University of Toronto has nine collaborative project proposals that have been approved for the 2016 round of the MTCU-funded provincial Shared Online Course fund. Each of the following will receive between $40,000 ~ 60,000 with a deadline … Continue reading
MOOCapalooza Videos!
As part of our ongoing exploration of the potential of Massive Open Online Courses, Digital Learning Innovation in conjunction with the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation recently held a community event, MOOCapalooza: Purposes and Potential of Massive Open Online Courses … Continue reading