[Note: Pilot supported by DLI has now concluded]
Faced with the ongoing challenge of remote teaching, the use of these online labs on common STEM topics may provided an effective option for additional courses across many program areas. In 2021 Labster.com provided a pilot program accommodating instructors/course sections from the St. George campus.
Past Pilot participants:
Dawn Kilkenny | FASE | Institute of Biomedical Engineering |
Jon Rocheleau | FASE | Institute of Biomedical Engineering |
Jennifer Farmer | FASE | Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry |
Ariel Chan | FASE | Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry |
Frank Gu | FASE | Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry |
William Ju | FAS | Human Biology Program |
Maria Papaconstantinou | FAS | Human Biology Program |
Jessica Hill | Faculty of Medicine | Molecular Genetics |