Category Archives: Online Learning
On the Horizon: Virtual or Augmented Reality and Pedagogical Innovation
Imagine students discovering concepts through exploration and honing skills through an immersive simulation experience. At the end of October faculty and staff gathered at the Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation to attend a full capacity event to share and explore … Continue reading
Sharing Our Experience in Open Textbook Publishing
Last month OLS co-presented a talk on the experiences of University of Toronto and Ryerson University faculty members who authored Open Textbooks in the previous academic year at the 15th annual Open Education conference held in Niagara Falls, NY. The … Continue reading
New Online Modules: Experiential Learning
Hearing a lot of hype around experiential learning? Are you new to this idea, or have you been a long-time advocate and facilitator of experiential learning opportunities? If you fall into either of those categories, this blog post is for you. … Continue reading
Riipen Pilot: An On-Ramp to Work Integrated Learning
The Riipen platform acts an on-ramp to facilitating work integrated learning experiences. Riipen helps instructors set up micro-experiential projects with community organizations and businesses by finding matches and streamlining ongoing coordination and communication between the faculty, students and partners. Learn more … Continue reading – For students – and for instructors too!
Do your students need access to online resources to brush up on software or technical skills? How about coaching on communication and presentation skills? Or perhaps as an instructor you need a quick tutorial on creating course modules in Quercus … Continue reading
A gathering of pioneers of VR/AR/MR for therapeutic medical and educational use
Over the weekend of April 7th and 8th, Clyde Matava, Fahad Alam (members of U of T’s AR/VR Network and founders of CHISIL, Collaborative Human Immersive Interaction Lab) along with a small team of co-organizers held a wonderful conference on augmented, virtual and mixed realities in healthcare called Realities in … Continue reading
Aligning Experiential Learning within Course Design: Riipen
Interest and engagement has been ongoing in alignment with institutional priorities related to the Integrated Learning Experience framework developed by the Provost’s Task force on Experiential and Work Integrated Learning and a range of initiatives aimed at increasing capacity in these … Continue reading
Glimpsing the Future of VR-Enhanced Patient Care and Medical Education
Members of the U of T AR/VR Network had an engaging visit to the Collaborative Human Immersive and Interactive Lab (CHISIL) at SickKids Hospital on Thursday November 30th, 2017. We were hosted by Clyde Matava and Fahad Alam, Professors of Anesthesia and founders of the CHISIL Lab (with sites at both SickKids and Sunnybrook Hospitals). It was an … Continue reading
MOOC Activity Infographic
The latest MOOC Activity Report is now available on the Open UToronto web site! Now in its fifth year of support to MOOC initiatives, DLI has decided to condense our annual Activity Report into a visually engaging, one page, sharable … Continue reading
Open Your Textbooks…
eCampusOntario recently announced the newest recipients of funding for the adoption/adaptation of existing open textbooks and open educational resources.* We are excited to have two new projects and extend our congratulations to Bill Ju for his proposed text Neuroscience – … Continue reading