The following provides a roadmap for instructors during the remote course design process or as a “pre-flight check” tool using the rubric and suggested examples. This practical framework highlights key components essential to a high-quality learning experience for students. Downloadable versions are provided for individual use or program adaptation.
Note: Some items may not be applicable to all course contexts.
Course Element | Resources and Notes | |
Information about being an online learner and support services in introductory module on Quercus course site. | Link to “Getting Ready for Online” support page | |
❑ | Provide links to student resources:
Use information and links provided in Quercus course template |
Course specific resources including welcome and getting started content. | ||
❑ | Orientation or overview of the course overall, to help learners navigate. | Add How This Course Works page |
❑ | Learning outcomes and an activity list for each module, outlining tasks that are due. | Add Module Intro pages |
❑ | Contact information and short biography for the instructor, and co-instructor(s) and TA(s), if applicable. | |
❑ | Guidelines for student-instructor interactions (i.e., channels for different types of questions and timelines for response). | |
❑ | Contact information for the academic department or registrar. | |
❑ | Syllabus (with download/print option). | |
❑ | Links or reference to relevant information on academic integrity, course equity, diversity and inclusion. | Examples in Quercus course template |
❑ | Information on access to any accompanying texts or materials not available on the course website. | |
A list of technical competencies and resources necessary for course completion is provided. | Link to minimum technical requirements page | |
❑ | Requisite skills for using technology tools (websites, software, and hardware) are clearly stated and supported with resources. | |
❑ | Technical skills required for participation in course learning activities scaffold in a timely manner (orientation, practice, and application — where appropriate). | |
❑ | Frequently used technology tools are easily accessed. Any tools not being utilized are hidden from the course menu in Quercus. | Link to guide on managing course navigation links |
❑ | Links are provided to learner supports for tools provided within Quercus to enhance learning. Institutionally supported tools are used when possible. | Link to Quercus support for students and refer to the Ed Tech Catalogue for a list of supported tools |
Students are encouraged to become active learners and contribute to the online course community. | ||
❑ | Introductory announcement or email sent to students providing them information on how to access the course. | Remember to make your course available! |
❑ | Expectations for interaction are clearly stated (netiquette, grade weighting, models/examples, and timing and frequency of contributions). | Consider netiquette rules for online courses (edit for your course) |
❑ | Course contains resources or activities intended to build a sense of class community, support open communication, and establish trust (ie. ice-breaker, introductory discussion forums). | |
❑ | Learners are encouraged to share resources, individual observations/experiences or integrate knowledge to support peers as a community. | |
Course site tools are used to effectively organize and deliver course content, and to allow students to navigate with ease. | Refer to tips and strategies on building a course in Quercus | |
❑ | A logical, consistent, and uncluttered layout is established. The course is easy to navigate (use of colour or icons, related content grouped, self-evident titles). | |
❑ | Large blocks of information are divided into manageable sections with white space around and between the blocks of text. | |
❑ | Instructions are provided and content is well written and has been proofread. | |
Course follows accessibility and universal design principles that are critical to some learners and that benefit all learners. | Refer to Accessibility and Quercus support resource | |
❑ | Text is formatted with titles, headings, and other styles to enhance readability and improve the structure of the document. | |
❑ | There is enough contrast between text and background for the content to be easily viewed | |
❑ | Text equivalents are provided for visual and audio elements (“alt” tags, captions, transcripts, etc.). | |
❑ | Hyperlink text is descriptive and makes sense when out of context (avoid using “click here” or “read more”). | |
Students have the opportunity to interact with the content, their peers, and their instructor(s). | Review strategies for active learning | |
❑ | Access is offered to a variety of engaging resources that facilitate communication and collaboration, deliver content, and support learning and engagement. | |
❑ | Activities are provided for learners to develop higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills, such as critical reflection and analysis. | |
❑ | Activities are included that emulate real world applications of the discipline, such as experiential learning, case studies, and problem-based activities when applicable. | |
❑ | Open Educational Resources, free, or low-cost materials are used when available. | See Open UToronto and UofT Library resources |
❑ | Modeling academic integrity, instructor appropriately cites all resources and materials used throughout the course. | |
Clear outline of process and criteria for evaluation of the achievement of the learning outcomes. | Refer to CTSI’s “Assessing Learning” website | |
❑ | Learning outcomes for each unit/module are connected to relevant activities and assessment. Outcomes use active verbs, are specific and measurable. | Refer to Bloom’s Taxonomy |
❑ | Faculty course grading policies are followed. Clearly state consequences of late submissions in the course information area and syllabus. | |
❑ | Course provides learners a scaffolded progression through content, combining both graded assignments and formative feedback on mastery of content. | |
❑ | Criteria for the assessment of a graded assignment are clearly articulated (rubrics, exemplary work). | |
❑ | Learners have opportunities to review their performance and assess their own learning throughout the course (pre-tests, automated self-tests, reflective assignments, etc.). | |
❑ | Ensure assessments include tasks and questions that allow students to demonstrate that they have achieved the learning outcomes that you have identified. |
This document was developed by Digital Learning Innovation, University of Toronto, August 2020. Adaptation and distribution of this resource to address academic or divisional program needs is permitted and encouraged.